propor um tema
as especificidades criam atrações e desencaminham confluências que agem num espaço amplo e múltiplo
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
Files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (no larger than 2MB).
The bibliography is in accordance with the formatting required by the journal
The text follows the standards of style, structure and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, in the About the Journal section.
The identification of the author of the article has been removed from the text and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criteria if submitted for peer review (e.g. articles), according to the instructions available in Ensuring Peer Review.
Terminado o processo de avaliação, os/as autores/as serão informados/as da decisão editorial, fundamentada com a opinião dos revisores. No caso do artigo ser aceite para publicação, os/as autores/as serão informados/as para colocar a informação da autoria (nome, afiliação institucional e endereço eletrónico) e reenviar o documento completo através da plataforma da revista.
Instruções para autores
Rules for articles (template for articles)
Os Articles must have a length between 4000 and 7000 words, for regular publication. The length of each article should be a maximum of 12 to 20 pages, including references, illustrations, graphs, maps, tables, bibliography and should obey the following structure:
a) Top-of-page identification including:
- Title of the article (in Portuguese and English): it should be clear, objective and explicit and can be supplemented by a subtitle.
- Name(s) of the author(s) – institution to which it binds, e-mail (these data should only appear after approval of the article).
b1) Abstract in Portuguese (maximum of 250 words)
It is the synthesized presentation of the main points of the text, highlighting the aspects of greater interest and importance. The abstract should present in a concise the objectives, the methodology and results achieved, not exceeding 250 words.
b2) Abstract in another foreign language: resumo, resumen... (maximum of 250 words)
c) Key words
São descritores, que identificam o conteúdo do artigo. O número de descritores desejado é de, no mínimo, dois e no máximo cinco.These are descriptors, which identify the content of the article. The desired number of descriptors is at least two and a maximum of five.
d) Body Text
The text should be divided into three parts:
1 -Introduction: should state briefly the subject, display settings, concepts, points of view and approaches, justification of the choice of theme, objectives and adopted plan for the development of the research or study; should place the research problem in the general context of the area and indicate the necessary assumptions for their understanding.
2 -Development: core of the work where the author exposes, explains and demonstrates the issue in all its aspects. It can have titles and subtitles, depending on the degree of structure of the text.
3 -Conclusion: final synthesis of the work
Footnotes should be used for absolutely necessary clarifications. They must be automatically numbered and placed at the bottom of the page.
e) Example for formatting (in Word): template for articles.
In this model the bibliographic standards can be observed.
Copyright Statement
The authors of the articles submitted for publication are responsible for compliance with copyright and related rights to citations, transcriptions and figurative and graphic elements integrated in the texts of the submissions. Any legal problem in this area is the responsibility of the authors of the submissions.
By submitting a text to the journal, authors maintain the intellectual rights to the text. The authors also agree to allow the indexing of articles in academic/scientific information repositories. The authors also have the right to make their articles available in institutional scientific repositories.
The papers are published based on the Creative Commons license:
Eduser - revista de educação by is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.
Copyright Notice
Os autores dos artigos submetidos para publicação são responsáveis pelo respeito dos direitos de autor e direitos conexos no que se refere a citações, transcrições e a elementos figurativos e gráficos integrados nos textos das submissões. Qualquer problema legal neste âmbito é da responsabilidade dos autores das submissões.
Ao submeter um texto à revista os autores mantêm os direitos intelectuais sobre o texto. Os autores concordam também em autorizar a indexação dos artigos em repositórios de informação académica/científica. Aos autores é também reconhecido o direito de disponibilizarem os seu artigos em repositórios científicos institucionais.
Os trabalhos são publicados com base na licença Creative Commons:
Eduser by is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0