Treatment of the high capacities in the Spanish School system: A sociological-educational trouble ignored in the classroom reality

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Gema Herranz Moreno
Antonio Sanchez-Bayon


Currently, geniuses are discriminated against in the current Spanish education system. Legally, they should be accompanied by special education teachers (or therapeutic pedagogy), but since the LOGSE and its democratization to the downside, only attention is paid to cases of students with relevant disabilities recognized ad extra, leaving the rest of cases, and above all the high capacities at the risk of the parents and the elitist high performance programs. This study offers an action proposal for the integration of gifted students in the school system


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How to Cite
Moreno, G. H., & Sanchez-Bayon, A. (2019). Treatment of the high capacities in the Spanish School system: A sociological-educational trouble ignored in the classroom reality. EduSer, 11(1), 93–110.


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