The influence of education on health: from old to new generation

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Manuel Aníbal Monteiro
João Paulo Peixoto


In the course of its activities, Medical Clinic Pilares da Saúde found that the majority of its clients were men and women over the age of forty-five. This was contrary to what they had initially envisaged, since they expected ladies over thirty years of age, hence a younger population. In order to better understand this reality, they carried out an investigation using quantitative methodologies, performing a survey on health education and health concerns. The aim of the study was to analyse the relationship between education and health as well as their effects on the new generation as opposed to the older generation. The results showed that education has been a driving force for greater literacy in health in the new generation, allowing to conclude that it concerns itself more with health when in comparison with the older generation due to the education they have received. JEL Codes: I10 - General Health (Health, Education and Welfare


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How to Cite
Monteiro, M. A., & Peixoto, J. P. (2020). The influence of education on health: from old to new generation. EduSer, 11(2), 77–91.


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