The use of comics and graphic novels about the Berlin Wall in German Language, Culture and Literature Courses at Spanish universities. Reflections and teaching activities

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Teresa Cañadas


This article focuses on the Berlin Wall in comics and graphic novels and how to use these texts in German Language, Culture and Literature Courses at Spanish universities. They are very helpful not only for the use of German Language, but also for their historical and cultural content and the narratological perspectives in comics and graphic novels. In addition, some practical activities are proposed on how to choose a suitable text, how to prepare the reading and how to work with the text before, during and after the reading.


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How to Cite
Cañadas, T. (2019). The use of comics and graphic novels about the Berlin Wall in German Language, Culture and Literature Courses at Spanish universities. Reflections and teaching activities. EduSer, 11(2), 1–16.


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