The influence of motivation on the learning of primary school students in science classes

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Sebastião Ferreira Santos


The aim of the study is to compare the levels of motivation in science classes in an internal and external context of the classroom and their relationship in the influence of the acquisition of knowledge. The sample consisted of a group of 38 students from the 4th grade (M= 9.05 years; SD = 0.399), divided into two groups (experimental and control) from a school in central Portugal. The results showed that the group of students in an external context of class and with a multidisciplinary method obtained better results and statistically significant differences (p=0.000) in the post-test. The conclusions point out that when students are motivated, they reach and enhance their learning.


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Santos, S. F. (2022). The influence of motivation on the learning of primary school students in science classes. EduSer, 14(2).
Author Biography

Sebastião Ferreira Santos, CIDESD - UTAD

Doutor em Ciências do Desporto (Psicologia - Controlo Emocional no Desempenho)

Mestre em Psicologia do Desporto e do Exercício

Pós-graduação em Reabilitação de Medicina Desportiva e do Exercício

Licenciado em Educação Física

Formador de Professores (Centro de Formação dos Templários)

Formador da Federação Portuguesa de Natação

Investigador e colaborador do Centro de Investigação em Desporto, Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano (CIDESD)


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