Adaptation of social education students in the 1st confinement by Covid-19

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Maria Luísa Ribeiro Cramês


Covid-19 brought changes to adaptive processes in society in general, and to academic life in particular. This study aimed to understand how students of the undergraduate degree in Social Education of a higher education institution in Northern Portugal adapted emotionally during their first confinement by Covid-19. This is a descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional study. For data collection, an online questionnaire was applied. The sample included 123 students, 109 female and 14 male, with the predominant age range of 19-29 years. It was found that 80.5% reported feeling worried, 70.7% tired, and 52.8% nervous. Statistically significant differences were found in the socio cognitive component of emotions according to gender (p<0.05). The data suggest difficulties in the adaptation of this population requiring the exploration of other variables in future studies.


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How to Cite
Cramês, M. L. R. (2022). Adaptation of social education students in the 1st confinement by Covid-19. EduSer, 14(1).


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