Family and education: notes for a systemic understanding from the complexity paradigm of Edgar Morin
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This work approaches the understanding of the family and education as complex systems in mutuality and interdependence based on the contributions of the complexity theory and the complex thought of Edgar Morin. It was found that the family-education system constitutes a self-reflexive loop that allows the interpretation of its systemic complexity by various routes and at the same time reveals it as a closed system to preserve the identity of its internal operations, but open to reorganization through through the integration-absorption of the emerging chaos both from the environment that fosters inter-systemic relationships and exchange, as well as from internal movements and transformations. This system combines autos and Oikos, which guarantees their self-organization, in addition to the computation and cogitation functions and the trinitarian relationships between individual-society-species; chaos—order—organization; brain—culture—spirit; reason-affectivity-drive. Integrating these elements allows a broader view of its complexity, in contrast to the influence of multiple explanatory perspectives, almost always insular and mono paradigmatic. The complexity and the complex thought question the disciplinary and fragmentary analysis for the sake of a dialogical understanding and in the context of the family-education system, which detaches the knowledge around said field from the linear mold that characterizes the analytical and reductionist coloniality ascribed to conceptualization and calculation.
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