Teaching, progress, and commitment to the success of the TEIP school the case of a group of schools in the municipality of Sintra

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Maria Eduarda Portela do Santos


The creation of conditions aimed at the educational success of all students, especially those who are at risk of social and school exclusion, are the focus of the TEIP Program in force in the grouping of schools in the municipality of Sintra, which is analyzed here. For this, centered on the case study of this grouping, we developed a literature review around the emergence of the TEIP program, followed by an in-depth analysis of the Group, of the schools that constitute it, we approach some of the projects developed in the Group and, central, the progress of the TEIP Project is analyzed, as well as the TEIP Coordinator of the Cluster, as it is believed to have a central role in the success of the program. The results show that, in general, the success rate has been increasing in all cycles, since the 2017-2018 school year. It can also be seen that there is a decrease in terms of indiscipline, with the greatest focus being seen in the 2nd cycle. The decrease in indiscipline may be related to the current pandemic situation. It is concluded that the activities and projects developed, the commitment of the coordinator, as well as the involvement of the academic community and family, are essential for school success, the reduction of indiscipline and organizational management.


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How to Cite
Portela do Santos, M. E. (2022). Teaching, progress, and commitment to the success of the TEIP school: the case of a group of schools in the municipality of Sintra. EduSer, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.34620/eduser.v14i2.211


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