Cyberinterculturality, ethnic-racial relations and education on digital networks

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Kelly Cristina Monteiro Martins
Alessandro Roberto de Oliveira


This paper discusses the theme of ethnic-racial relations in cyberspace and its possibilities as a non-formal education environment. The objective is to discuss the interface between education, communication and technology in an intercultural perspective. Through a digital ethnography, the research accompanied four black influencers on platforms such as Twitter (currently “X”) and Instagram, from the viralization of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, in May 2020, to the rise of the hashtag #WakandaForever, in August of the same year. The systematized data reveal an intensification of debates on racism and black identity that points to the potential of social networks as promising educational environments in the anti-racist cause. At the same time, these platforms limits must be taken into account, such as the ephemerality and superficiality of the discussions and their own neoliberal identity that maintains the reproduction of hegemonic standards and facilitates the misinformation dissemination, which can be negative when it comes to learning, showing up the need for media literacy education.


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Monteiro Martins, K. C., & Roberto de Oliveira, A. (2024). Cyberinterculturality, ethnic-racial relations and education on digital networks. EduSer, 16(1).
Author Biographies

Kelly Cristina Monteiro Martins, Universidade de Brasília

Master's student in Education at the University of Brasília in the Education, Technologies and Communication (ETEC) research line. Pedagogue graduated from the University of Brasília. Member of the GEFI research group - Education, Philosophy and Image. 
Scholarship from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). Researches the intersections between gender, race and class and digital media.


Alessandro Roberto de Oliveira, University of Brasília

Adjunct Professor in the Department of Theory and Fundamentals of the Faculty of Education at the University of Brasília. Works on the Professional Master's Degree in Sustainability with Traditional Peoples and Territories (MESPT) and in the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE-UnB). Has a PhD in Social Anthropology from UnB. His research addresses the following themes: traditional ecological knowledge and territorial and environmental management in indigenous lands, cognition and learning environments, interculturality and cognitive justice in education. Associate researcher at Lact - Laboratory of Anthropology of Science and Technique - (Dan/UnB), at the Education, Knowledge and Decolonialities Research Group (FE/UnB) and at the GT - Technique, Knowledge and Power of the Latin American Anthropological Association. Currently undertaking a post-doctoral internship in the Anthropology and Education Program at the Institute of Anthropological Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires - UBA. Main areas of interest: Anthropological theory, Environmental Sciences, Anthropology and Education.


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