Achievement of higher education students in exploring a random game

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José António Fernandes
Gabriela Gonçalves
Paula Maria Barros


In this article, we study the achievement of polytechnic higher education students in exploring a random game, considering the following objectives: 1) evaluate students' performance in exploring the game, and 2) identify students' difficulties in exploring the game. The study included 49 students attending an engineering course's 2nd or 3rd year at a higher education institution in northern Portugal. The data resulted from students solving several tasks about random games in a brief questionnaire, with only one of these tasks being studied here. From the results obtained, it is worth noting that the students performed unsatisfactorily in exploring the game, which resulted in several student difficulties, namely by not explaining the origin of the values they presented, by determining incorrect probabilities, and by making other errors, such as are errors in calculation and interpretation of what was requested. Therefore, given the unsatisfactory results of the study, it is essential to deepen the training of students regarding the definition, understanding, and application of the notion of random game. To this end, exploring random games in the classroom can improve student achievement since they are rarely explored there.


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Fernandes, J. A., Gonçalves, G., & Barros, P. M. (2024). Achievement of higher education students in exploring a random game. EduSer, 16(2).


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