Border Crossing in Technological Territory: from the Analog to Digital Teacher

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Tamara Aller Carrera


Nowadays, digital literacy is very present in the educational pedagogical discourse, therefore, several initiatives have been implemented aimed at the integral development of digital competence. Action measures aimed at 4 levels of application, micro, professional, meso, and macro, in the training of students in teacher training, infrastructure centres and the implementation of educational policies governing this transformation. In response to the need to develop the new professional digital teaching, it’s presented this research study, which aims to publicize the opinions and perceptions of teachers on the degree of the technological domain in each of the areas that make up the digital competence. Data that, in turn, allow to speculate on the degree of consciousness-competence of the teacher, in order to be able to delimit and determine the different phases that integrate the process of digital literacy in the professional practice.


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Carrera, T. A. (2019). Border Crossing in Technological Territory: from the Analog to Digital Teacher. EduSer, 11(1), 1–15.


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