Promotion of climate literacy - contributions from environmental education

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Ricardo Machado Ramos
Maria José Rodrigues
Luísa Cramês
Nuno Aluai


Given the urgency of the climate crisis, it is essential that all institutions, including schools, become aware and committed to a collective action that contributes to a responsible citizenship and spreads the understanding of the issues facing the world today. Environmental Education (EE) appears, therefore, as imperative, in a perspective of lifelong learning in formal and non-formal teaching/learning situations. This work, through a literature review, aims to show that climate literacy can contribute to the environmental education of people, the improvement of climate literacy contributes to achieve changes in attitudes and behaviors that are promoters of a better environment, something urgent and imperative, since research shows there are very low levels of climate literacy in several countries in the world about climate issues. It aims to suggest that if we act at the literacy level, we will most likely be acting in changing attitudes, therefore environmental literacy is one of the foundations on which the environmental education process must be based to aspire to succeed.


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Ramos, R., Rodrigues, M. J., Cramês, L., & Aluai, N. (2022). Promotion of climate literacy - contributions from environmental education. EduSer, 14(2).


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